Розробки занять

Game "In search of treasures »

Мета: закріплення наявних знань в області англійської мови за допомогою ігрової ситуації.


- підвищувати пізнавальний інтерес учнів до мови через використання ігрових моментів;
- закріпити вміння вживання в мові розмовної мови;
- навчання навичкам сприйняття на слух іноземних слів.
- розвивати увагу і пам'ять учнів;
- розвивати вміння працювати в групі.
- уміння працювати в співробітництві з іншими;
- виховувати шанобливе ставлення до іншої культури.
Коментарі: Урок проводиться у вигляді змагання, тому учнів необхідно поділити на 2 - 3 команди (залежно від кількості учасників).

Хід заняття

1. Організаційний момент. Привітання.
Хід ігрової програми
Pirate flint:  
 Good day, friends! I invite you to take an exciting adventure to find treasures. Many years ago I closed the treasures in a pirate chest, which eventually got lost. There is no limit to my despair, but I still have maps that help you find the treasure. Help me?

Pirate flint:  

We go on a journey "In Search of Treasure". And to get this treasure you have to overcome a lot of obstacles. We will get on the "Treasure Island", on which we will look for treasures. And for the trip to be successful, let's play the game "Simon says" (Simon speaks). You should only follow the instructions if they begin with the words "Simon says ...". . .

Simon says step left
Simon says  step right
Simon says step forward
Simon says step back
Simon says hands up
Simon says Scrab the deck
 Students perform an action
Touch blue (touch blue)
If one of the students did an action when you did not say "magic" words (Simon says), ask him to raise his hand and so play on.
Simon says touch blue (Simon says touch blue)                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Students perform an action
Touch red (touch red)
If the student makes a second mistake,
he leaves the game.
Pirate flint:  

Well done!
2.And now let's get acquainted.Lets Create commands to find treasures! I have 3 cards, now we need to collect 3 teams.Count from 1to 3 and make 3 teams.
Place: Classroom or in the street.
Equipment: Board or paper
Materials: marker
Preliminary training: Not required.
Direct training: No need.
The course of the event. Announce to the children that you are a captain of the ship, who is collecting a team to travel to a deserted island. Then ask who wants to swim with you. When you see the "forest" of hands, explain that choosing "crew members" will depend on what the "candidates" are going to bring with you. Your first "interview" may look like this:
You: what's your name
Player A: Misha.
You: How do you spell that, please?
Player A: M-I-S-H-A
Write on the board: Misha
You: Well, Misha, what are you going to take with you?
Player A: I'm going to take a tent.
You: Sorry, Misha, you do not match me.
Your next "interview may take place" as follows:
You: what's your name
Player In: Masha.
You: How do you spell that, please?
Player B: M-A-S-H-A
Write on the board: Masha
You: So, Masha, what are you going to take with you?
Player B: I'm going to take a map.
You: Congratulations, Masha! You are in the team.
Why did you take Masha, but refused Misha? Because Masha called the word, the first letter of which coincides with the first letter of her name. But the participants of the game do not need to speak, they themselves have to do it before, having taken a lot of different words. The second and subsequent rounds are held without a submission. The game continues until all the participants "will appear on board your ship."

Lets present your teams:

Captain 1:
Our team : "Pirates".
Our motto :
Pirates - is the power
Pirates - it's a class!
 For health and courage - This motto is with us!
Captain 2:
Our team ; "Robbers".
 Our motto :
We are robbers
We are brave
 DON’T worry
We help friends
All will be Okey
3. Our team : Friends
Our motto:We are friends
We are the best
Forever from the South to the West.
Captains station
My name is ....
I am ...
I like ...
My hobby is ...
I am crazy about ..
I am good at ...
I am fond of ....
I am bad at ...
I live in ...
I speak ...
My favourite food is ...
Flint: Thank you for introducing teams. I want to tell you that somewhere on a desert island are hidden treasures
You will be able to find them, if you act boldly, show hunting excitement.
Before the start of the competition, you will pronounce the oath of the treasure seekers.
  Please repeat after me.

Be attentive and friendly to each other!
Let's swear!
Share the treasures fairly
Let's swear!
Commit to the orders of the captain
Let's swear!
Anyone who breaks the oath of the treasure hunts will be planted on a deserted island.
 3.Competition - "Dedication to Pirates"
Pirate Flint: It's impossible to become a pirate, they should be born.
- Listen to me team!
- Build up in a ranks;
- Left steering wheel! - (step left);
- Right steering! - (step right);
- Nose! - (step forward);
- Feed! - (step back);
- Raise the sails! - (pirates are in place, raise their arms upwards);
- Scrab the deck! - (depict the washing of the deck);
- The gun core! - (all squat squatting, closing the head with his hands).
4.Pirates are very merry people,they always sing songs.To be a real pirates you should know their song
Sing a song:

1. If you want to be a pirate, scrab the deck (swish, swish)
 If you want to be a pirate, scrab the deck (swish, swish)
 If you want to be a pirate
 REALLY want to be a pirate
 If you want to be a pirate, scrab the deck (swish, swish)

2. If you want to be a pirate,
 walk the plank...(stomp, stomp)
 If you want to be a pirate,
 walk the plank...(stomp, stomp)
 If you want to be a pirate
 REALLY want to be a pirate
If you want to be a pirate,
 walk the plank... (stomp, stomp)

3.If you want to be a pirate,
Dig for treasure(dig,dig)(2)
If you want to be a pirate
 REALLY want to be a pirate
 If you want to be a pirate

4. If you want to be a pirate,
 shout “Ahoy!” (Ahoy!)
 If you want to be a pirate,
 shout “Ahoy!” (Ahoy!)
 If you want to be a pirate
REALLY want to be a pirate
 If you want to be a pirate,
 shout “Ahoy!”(Ahoy!)

5 Pirate Flint:.. The Teams have successfully trained, now you are real sea pirates.
Task 4. Competition "Pirate quiz".
Props: sheets with multiple-choice answers to each quiz question.
You need to choose the correct answer (correct answers are underlined):
1. What is your favorite pirate drink:
* Coca-Cola
• Kvass
• Kissel
• Rum
2. Who is the pirate?
• Pirate
• The honourable gentleman
* Ghost hunter
* Representative of office plankton
3. A pirate's hat?
• Cocked hat
• Helmet
• Beret
• Hat
4. Whom the pirates called a powder monkey?
* Pirate monkey who suffered in battle
• The lowest pirate rank on the ship
* Captured enemy soldier in battle
* Boy carrying gunpowder and shells during the battle

5. Why would the pirates have their nose and ears cut off?
• For profanity
* Eavesdropping On
* For stealing from teammates
* For curiosity
(Answer the question and get part of the cipher)

Lets have a break and do exercises:

6. Guess Riddles
Сlean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it? (sugar)
What is found over your head but under your hat? (your hair)
There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it? (watermelon)
I am black, yellow, red, and green
The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen.
I show my colours after the rain
And only when the sun comes out again (a rainbow)

Look at my face and you see somebody
Look at my back and you see nobody. (a mirror)
7. «Poems»
Придумайте рими до кожного слова. Наприклад, take - cake, mother - another...
Pie - ... (sky)
Phone - ... (bone)
Book - ... (cook, took)
Bad - ... (dad, sad, mad)
Cat - ... (fat)
8. «Translators»
Для кожного прислівя в першій колонці відповідає англійське значення у другій колонці.
Без праці не витягнеш і рибки зі ставка.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Друг пізнається в біді .
A good makes Jack a good Jill.
У доброго чоловіка і дружина хороша.
A cat in gloves catches no mice.
Двом смертям не бувати, а однієї не минути.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Краще синиця в руках, ніж журавель у небі.
A man can do no more than he can.
Вище голови не стрибнеш.
A man can die but once.

Без праці не витягнеш і рибки зі ставка.
A cat in gloves catches no mice.
Друг пізнається в біді .
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
У доброго чоловіка і дружина хороша.
A good makes Jack a good Jill.
Двом смертям не бувати, а однієї не минути.
A man can die but once.
Краще синиця в руках, ніж журавель у небі.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Вище голови не стрибнеш.
A man can do no more than he can.

9.Do the quiz"Pirates of the Caribbean".

10.Grammar  Station
Perform a grammar test.
1. Who ________ reading the newspaper?
a). am b). is c). are
1. My car ________ at the door.
a). was b). were
1. Are there ________ apples on the table?
a). any b). some c). nothing d). -
1. I am the ___________ pupil in our class.
a). good b). gooder c). best d). better
1. The Volga is ____________ than the Lena.
a). longest b). longer c). more long d). most longest
1. Nick _________ the best runner.
a). he is b). is c). do d). are
1. What __________ doing now?
a). Ann is b). does Ann c). Ann d). is Ann
1. Where ________ yesterday?
a). Ann did go b). Ann went c). did Ann go d). was Ann go
Складіть речення з таких слів.
• Friend, drinks, juice, apple, my.
• A wolf, was, as, hungry, as, he.
• Next, Moscow, will, you, to, go, month?
• Did, yesterday, learn, we, poem, that, not.

Pirate Flint The next task is in my pocket
Find a letter "On board" with the following task. The host opens the envelope and reads the task for both teams
Leader: Next task. Need to fit on one chair. The team in which the chairs will accommodate more participants will win. You can sit, stand, hang, but do not touch the ground.
Children have coped with this task
Leader: Well done! Open the map and you can find the treasure!

Виховний захід Good health is above wealth

         Діти готуються до проведення заходу протягом тижня, на початку якого оголошуються  форми презентацій, а саме: випуск газети, захист газети, інсценування діалогів та анекдотів, майстер-клас з проведення розминки. Діти повторюють та відпрацьовують лексику в ігрових формах, вчать прислів’я, розучують анекдоти та діалоги, збирають матеріал для випуску газет. Таким чином майже весь матеріал заходу діти опановують разом, що допомагає краще розуміти один одного, спонукає їх до відповідальності, розвиває творчі та комунікативні здібності. До кінця тижня діти остаточно визначаються із завданням, об’єднуються у групи та готуються до виступу на загальному підсумковому заході.
План проведення
     1.            Вступна частина.
Today more and more people in the society support healthy lifestyle. They do it in different ways. Some quit smoking, others follow certain diets. There are people who stop eating meat products and become vegetarians. The others take up some sports or exercise. In any case they all want to lead a healthy life to feel better and to live longer. It is already known that healthy lifestyle consists of several components. Those who try to keep up with all of these components are the healthiest people.

     2.            Конкурс «Complete the proverb»
Той, хто правильно та швидше за інших доповнює прислів’я, отримує фішку (потім фішки рахують та обмінюють на призи)
First of all, people who have bad and health destroying habits should quit them. It means smokers should try to live without cigarettes or at least to reduce the amount they smoke. Those who overuse alcohol should stop and think about their liver. Those who stay up till late night should try to go to bed before midnight as it’s the best time for the body to relax and have a healthy sleeping. Another bad habit is sleeping long hours. A person who wakes up closer to the afternoon will feel a slight tiredness and discomfort during the day. It is healthier to go to bed before midnight and to wake before eight or nine in the morning.

     3.            Інсценування діалогів
The second component is healthy eating. Nutritionists insist that we should eat more vegetables and fruit as they are rich in all kinds of vitamins. Some of them also advise to look for organic food in the supermarkets. Fast food should be excluded from our daily ration as well as the food with various preservatives. Fatty, fried and smoked food is also not very healthy. Many people nowadays turn into vegetarians or vegans, which is great. However doctors insist that meat is a rich source of protein. That’s why those who don’t eat meat or meat products at all should somehow find the substitutes.

     4.            Презентація газет про здоровий спосіб життя
The third component of healthy lifestyle is enough exercise and doing some exciting sports. Regular walks in the fresh air, morning runs, going to the gym, doing yoga, participating in hiking tours - all these actions support our body and keep it in good shape. Many people today have rigid works and occupations. It is especially important for them to go in for sports or simply jogging in the park. Luckily, there are so many opportunities to do various sports nowadays. There are indoor and outdoor swimming-pools, football and basketball sections, well-equipped gyms, qualified trainers. All we need to do is to start caring about health.
     5.            Майстер-клас фізкультхвилинок “Fun Warm-ups

The fourth component is the absence of stress or at least its reduction in everyday life. Learning to stay level-headed and not to worry about everything around is a genuine art. There are so many stressful factors in modern life, connected with work, money, accommodation and other issues. In Japan there is a distant island called Okinawa where people are never in a hurry. Their transport never arrives on time. Thereafter people are late for work, but nobody really cares or gets nervous about that. The islanders like doing martial arts and taking long walks along the shore. They try to be in serene and positive mood all the time. Perhaps, that’s the reason why they live up to one hundred years. 

6. Інсценування анекдотів про здоровя

7. Підведення підсумків: складання списку порад для дітей  What Should or Shouldn't I Do to Be Fit & Healthy?”  
8 . Міні-дискотека з використанням відео “Fun Dance: Warm Up, Super Kids!”

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